Compare GEO-AI results, benchmarks in PDF reports and much more

You will find many new features in the last version of LOOP, as well as updated data for Switzerland and the UK

Compare GEO-AI predictions 

You can now compare the GEO-AI predictions of several locations at the same time. This should help you better understand how different forecasts are built and bring more transparency to GEO-AI.

Kapture 2023-01-31 at 12.03.21

Comparing locations between one another can be done via the Benchmark feature or on Network Overview. The Network Overview button has now moved to the bottom of the main screen.

Kapture 2023-01-31 at 12.05.04

PDF report with benchmarks

You can now include a benchmark of locations in your PDF reports.

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 12.16.26

View cannibalised and non-cannibalised data at the same time

Toggling between cannibalised and non-cannibalised values won't be necessary anymore: from now on, you can view cannibalised and non-cannibalised numbers at the same time, next to one another.

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Cannibalised data are marked with this icon

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Group, filter and favourite data

To help you sort data, we have added a few features

You can now filter data...

Kapture 2023-01-31 at 12.27.28

You can sort the data by catchment or cannibalisation...

Kapture 2023-01-31 at 12.31.30

And you can add data as favourites, to always keep an eye on the most important informations

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Visual changes on the table

On the table, accessing the Zones, Competitors and Muted locations now happens on the side.

Kapture 2023-02-01 at 19.25.52

Map tools

All the map tools are now on the bottom right side of the screen. There you can find the measuring tool, drawing tool, change map styles or zoom in and out.

Screenshot 2023-02-01 at 19.30.34

Data updates

The following data updates were made and are automatically replacing the old data:

  • The ONS data for England and Wales has been updated to the latest available version (2021), from the last version dating back to 2011. The ONS data contains everything from Demographics data (Population, Sex, Population by age) to Family and Households and Housing Stock
  • Data about population and buildings in Switzerland was updated to the last version (2021). Workplaces data was also updated to its 2020 version.